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Bheema Meets Hanuman !

Bheema's Rendezvous Hanuman

While the Pandavas were in exile .Wandering in the Forests of Narayansharma, Adventures and amazing Experiences were a common place to happen.  

One Such day while they were resting in the forest under the shades of a tree by the lake, a beautiful flower fell before Draupadi, the beautiful Wife of Pandavas.  Amazed by the Flowers Fragrance and glowing colors, Draupadi asks Bheema to get many such flowers.

Bheema obliged to the request made by his wife began in search of the beautiful flowers, Bheema Wandered through Trees and Mountains following the Fragrance trail of the Flowers, while he was Searching for the flowers, he saw a Old Monkey resting along the path with its tail across the path blocking Bheema’s trail of flowers Fragrance., to his surprise the monkey didn’t even try to move as bheema was trying to pass through 

Bheema meets Hanuman, Bhima story, Bhima and hanuman story

To the Amazement of Bheema monkey was talking and warning him that the path he was following was not safe to go ahead .Bheema replied to monkey that it was his problem of being safe and demands monkey to remove its tail in his path, The Monkey replied that it was too old to move the tail on its own and requested Bheema to make his own way by removing the Monkeys tail by himself.

Frustrated with the futile talk, broad-shouldered Bheema tried tugging away the tail, but to his surprise Bheema Couldn’t even move it by an inch.  With all his substantial strength, he was unable to move the monkey’s tail, embarrassed and mortified, Bheema Standing a side asked the monkey who the Old monkey in reality was.

All the while Bheema was asking the monkey for its original identity, the monkey smiled quietly and declared that the monkey in reality was bheema’s brother the Hanuman. The Monkey then altered himself to his righteous & Mighty form stood huge over the Hills, immaculately shining with magnificence.

The brothers hugged each other in happiness. Hanuman pledged to fight along with Pandavas  in their battle against kauravas.  

Hanuman Guided Bheema to the Flowers, for which he started from the forest. Bheema after Collecting as many flowers he could gather Ventured back to his wife and brothers.

This Rendezvous was an unusual occurrence for Bheema. He met his brother Hanuman for the first time & also learnt a lesson and moral of not to be self-righteous on one’s strengths and under estimate others just by external appearance.

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