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What is Krishna Janmashtami !
What is Krishna Janmashtami?
Janmashtami will be celebrated occasioning the birth of
Supreme personality Lord Sri Krishna.
According to Hindu Mythology Janmashtami is one of the most
renowned festivals celebrated across the world. It is estimated that close to
50 million people across the world celebrate this festival, at home, Temples,
or at places which are specially organized to celebrate this occasion. It’s
like a new years eve to all the Hindu’s as it is celebrated at the biggest
scale across the World / Country.
Now the most important question is on what is that special
thing about Krishna, to celebrate his Birthday! This actually happens to be a
question which every individual has [the one who belongs to other religion i.e.
Non Hindu]
It is said that the Heart of Human beings [Hurdy] is the
Birth Place of Lord Krishna, it is said that only when the hearts of people
become pure, filled with peace, and as cool as Himachala that is the True Birth
Day of Krishna.
Lord Sri Krishna who always gives back to all the
individuals who love with pure heart and worship him without any worldly
Lord Sri Krishna is the only adorable and the Most romantic
and compassionate Lover the world have ever witnessed, during his child hood he
was the mischievous son to matha yashoda and Krishna always surprised her with
new things in life.
During his entire life lord sri Krishna had no. of wars with
people in order to save his country and devotes, hence it is also believed that
the B’day of Krishna [AShtami] is the day of bad luck by some people and rumors
float around to say that everybody who is born janmashtami will end his life in
troubles, however with the other section of society believe that the person who
is born on janmashtami will be a RULER and would be protector of Dharma
How is Janmastami Celebrated?
The Birth day of Lord Krishna [Janmashtami] is celebrated
most uniquely than any other festival. Unlike other festivals janmastami is not
celebrated by wearing new clothes on the day of janmastami or by going to relatives
houses to celebrate it, is it celebrated in a different way altogether.
Janmashtami is the festival which is celebrated with utmost
zeal and enthusiasm among people on the day of Lord Sri Krishna.
the other name for celebrating the birth of Lord Sri Krishna
[janmashtami ] is DAHIHANDI it is known as dahi handi in the business capital
of India i.e Mumbai and the growing city
of the country Pune along with some western part of Indian states.
On the Day of Janmashtami people gather at one place, most
preferable in and around the temple premises, the Handi [Pot] will be fully filled
with Curd / butter milk and it will be positioned at a height which can only be
reached with the help of ladder, and to reach it all the youngsters together
form the human Pyramid to reach the Handi which is already positioned at a
The Top most person in the pyramid will get a chance to
break the HANDI by hitting it with either a coconut which he would carry along
with him while he climbs the pyramid or with anything which is blunt in nature.
When the person breaks the handi the curd / butter milk will be spilled on the
entire pyramid which is formed with Humans, it is the symbol of UNITY and
ACHIEVEMENT IN TOGETHER NESS this would only be possible when people trust each
During the formation of Pyramid, people chant / shout the
name of lord Sri Krishna as Govinda, hare Krishna / bal Krishna, etc and dance
in the trans of lord Krishna
Symbolism of SHIVA !
What does Shiva Symbolize?
What is the meaning of Different Ornaments [things] on the
body of Lord Shiva?
These are few things which come to the mind of every
individual when we look at Lord Shiva as he is the only god who was born in a
Grave yard and have never believed in having belief in ornaments, and have
never worn any, yet he is with few things on him which are definitely worth
Knowing about them
It has now become really important to the current generation
to know the importance of different things on God Shiva, as to create awareness
on the greatness and also to create the spiritual awareness
Below is the importance of each and single ornament which
Lord Shiva Carries with him
- Trishula
Trishula is one of the weapons which Lord Shiva Carries with
him along with his power, it is the same which was used to separate the head of
Lord Ganesha during his fight with lord Shiva and was later replaced with the
head of Elephant
The Trishula has three parts to it, it the Trident, the
three parts represent three powers of lord Shiva i.e. THE KNOWLEDGE, THE
- Ash on his Body
Lord Shiva’s
Body is always found to be powdered with Ash, it represents real truth of life
where everybody has to end their life in fire [Lord Shiva was born in a graveyard
and have lived his life there with ash of dead bodies powdered on his body.]
- Drum in Trishul
The drum represents
the sounds which are of VEDAs, and the scriptures; which would help humans to
live through this life in a better form
- Goddess Ganga
AS lord Shiva has taken the halahala into his throat to save
the world, which came out during the process of sagara madhanam, all the gods
started offering water to god to reduce the effect of halahala
Ganges is the Holy River and it also signifies the great
Teachings by spreading wisdom and offering purest water to the humans; adding
to its Water from Ganges is used for all the Rituals performed to lord Shiva.
- Moon
Moon on the Head of Lord Shiva Symbolized to say that Lord Shiva
is the Time and he is Timeless and he is the ETERNAL reality of this world and
way beyond the Time
- Serpent
Lord Shiva’s neckline is always found with a Snake rounded
on his neck, if seen clearly the Serpent [snake] is rounded Three times on this
neck, symbolizing the entire series of this universe
The First Circle
Representing the “PAST”, the Second turn representing The “PRESENT” the Third
circle for “FUTURE”. The
snake also signifies the Ego which only the one who has mastered with it can
wear it.
It is the sign of maximum accomplishment and be in command on his mind
and ego.
- Rudraksha
Rudraksha is the symbol of Purity and known for its own
power on human bodies, the mala in the hands of lord Shiva represents or symbolizes
the level of concentration and control which Lord Shiva possesses
- Third Eye
Lord Shiva is normally known as three eyed god, as he has three
eyes unlike all other gods
The Right and left eyes are as normal as others, adding to
it he has one more eye on his Forehead it is in the form of Large Oval shape
The right and left eye represent the Sun and the moon, where
as the third eye is the eye of knowledge and it is eye for wisdom, if opened it
would destroy the evils into ashes
- Tiger Skin
Lord Shiva is always depicted by sitting on the Tiger Skin,
Tiger is the wild animal or it can also be said as force which normal human
beings are scared to face it; as Lord Shiva is the Time, he is force, he is the
creator of this world, lord Shiva sitting on the Tiger skin symbolizes to say
he is FEARLESS and has conquered the Forces of this world
Meaning of Bhaja Govindam Song !
Meaning of Bhaja govindam Song:

Below is brief explanation of the different Stanza’s used in
the song explaining the real meaning of life.
The below explanation is divided into parts based on how it
is sung, post reading this request you to please listen to the song and relate
to its meaning given below.
Meaning of Bhaja
Govindam Song: [according to stanza’z Sung]
Oh Fool Worship Lord Govinda for his kindness and love on
you. – oh Fool oh fool
Worship / Seek / Pray
Govinda till the last second of your life until you reach to the last
second of your breath , these utter praises of this false world will not save
you, only Govinda can save you.
Oh Fool never be in the False world filled with Desires and
never be a slave to your desires, Give those up and pray Govinda, remove this
thirst from your heart for desire.
Occupy your mind only and only Good and holy & Healthy Thoughts,
and always be filled with content and
only react to through the actions of past.
As long as you have the ability to earn money and wealth you
will be attached to your dependents,
once your body and soul becomes old and you wander with your
inability to move at home no one cares to speak a word with the old soul
Hence never take pride in your possessions or wealth which
comes from people when you are Young and when you have wealth with you
Time Changes everything and takes away all that which you have
at the moment
As Govinda says, Please free your self from this false world
of illusion and from the world of “Maya” and attarin the truth of timelessness
One who Shelters in Temples and sleeps under the Trees by
wearing a deer skin and who rest on the naked ground, thus will renounce all
the ideas of attachement along with possession.
For whom this
indifference will not bring happiness ?
Read a little pieces of Bhagavad Gita or atleast take few
drops from River Ganga and worship the lord Krishna [murari] atleast once and
hence you will have no quarrel with Lord Yama [the god of Death]
As said in Bhagavad Gita, birth and Death are the two things
which are bound to happen, Rebirth, Re death and rebirth will happen
Samsara is the toughest path to corss, Save me oh Lord
Krishna / murari with your infinite Kindness
Regularly Read few stanzas from the Bhagavad Gita,
continuously perform meditation, Fill your heart with Lord Vishnu by chanting
his glories he will come to rescue you.
Only take pride in the noble and holy Causes and share your
wealth with the needy in this world
Wealth would only stay for some time in life and there is no
joy in it, reflect on this ideal truth in your entire life.
With the wealth even a rich man with un imaginable wealth
has to fear with his own son, this is the cruelty of having wealth and it is
the way
By worshipping Lord, may your be pass through Samsara in all
well fashion
It can only happen through continous efforts to control your
mind and training your senses, only though which you can fill your heart with
lord and purify your soul
Life of Chaitanya Maha Prabhu
Life of Chaitanya Maha Prabhu - Part 2
The Adolescent Scholar
The Young Scholar:
Post death of his father caitanya prabhu’s naughty behavior has subsidized and he has started moving towards more structural way of living by religiously following all the duties which are prescribed by brahminical order one of those was to regularly perform SANDHYA VANDANA
Later in his life through his journey of structural living lord Chaitanya Prabhu, opened a Sanskrit School Teaching the True Form and language of Sanskrit and also ensured his students followed the standards
Caitanya Prabhu was truly dedicated and diligent through his vision and never wasted time in Idle Gossip and also avoided the association of Irreligious Persons
He Soon became “Nimai Pandita” In spite being the youngest Pandita Caitanya prabhu never showed arrogance with people and he would always get mingled with all kinds of people in the society be it Milkman, Merchants, Flower Seller etc he mingled up with everybody.
One Day During his visit to Market Caitanya Prabhu had to meet an Astrologer, upon his meet prabhu tried enquiring about his past life post looking at prabhu and his “Jathaka” Astrologer was astonished and said he was the supreme persona of god in his past life which prabhu did not accept and kept moving on.
The Marriage:
Caitanya Prabhu married to a girl named Laxmipriya show as the same girl whom Nimai [caitanya Prabhu] met during his child hood days on the river banks of River Ganga and both Lived Happily
Laxmi priya as a faithful wife was very happily taking care of house without any complaint and served food to all the guests who lord chaitanya prabhu used to get everyday to his home to serve food and give necessary clothing
Laxmi Priya never complained on the charity which Nimai did, however mother sacidevi, raised concerns and always asked on his future would sustain as they did not have any land to their name.
Moving to East Bengal:
Moving to East Bengal:
On the Push of Mother Sacidevi to make some earning Nimai moved to East Bengal, However his ideal aim was to spread the word of Krsna in the area.
Looking at his spiritual Vision and Scriptural Explanation, all those who heard him could not take their eyes off and where very much impressed and were attracted towards the word of Prabhu and started worshipping Krsna and started chanting the name of Lord Srihari.
There lived a Brahmana with the name Tapana Misra who was eager to determine and know the real meaning of Life and to achieve the same he was always with books the more he read the books more he got confused, looking at his confusion people suggested him to meet Chaitanya Prabhu whos was in town and assured him to get an answer to all his confusions and questions
When he met [Nimai]Chaitanya prabhu explained him that the real meaning of life cannot be ascertained by Just Reading books rather only by chanting the name of Lord SRI HARI.
Chaitanya Prabhu suggested him to chant the MAHA MANTRA
Re Marriage:
During the Visit of Nimai to East Bengal Laxmi Priya had a snake bite which took her life
When Nimai Returned to Navadvipa he consoled his mother and as per her suggestion lord Chaitanya Prabhu married to Visnu priya and his marriage was celebrated as the biggest festival of the town.
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